– 2009-

The Revolutions Begins

The American craft whiskey revolution

Since 2009, when the American craft whiskey revolution began,
the industry has seen the number of distilleries increase from around 250 to over 2,000 today.

Distilleries that have become renowned for creating award-winning whiskeys that embody the spirit of American creativity and entrepreneurship. They’re changing the whiskey industry through the amount of imagination, ingenuity, and innovation poured into each batch.

Craft distillers’ dedication to quality and pushing the limits of whiskey has garnered recognition, resulting in American craft whiskeys receiving prestigious awards on both national and international stages.

Craft distilleries have emerged in every state, showcasing the incredible talent found throughout the country.

While distilleries can be found nationwide, certain regions have become popular hubs for American craft whiskey production. These include the Pacific Northwest, Northern California, Colorado, Texas, Virginia, New York, and, of course, Kentucky—the home of American whiskey.

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Craft distilleries have emerged in every state, showcasing the incredible talent found throughout the country.

Distilleries are also experimenting with different types of oak and local ingredients, resulting in a diverse range of flavors and expressions.

While the popularity of American craft whiskey continues to grow, it’s important to note that these unique spirits can be hard to find.

Limited supply and outdated state liquor laws can make acquiring these sought-after whiskeys challenging, particularly in certain areas.

However, for those fortunate enough to be part of the club, the experience is truly exceptional.

Cheers to the artisans who have defined and continue to redefine what it means to enjoy a fantastic glass of whiskey — American craft whiskey.